Thursday, July 16, 2009


I was walking down Prince street when I saw a dead bird, the second one I'd noticed in two days that had plummeted to the sidewalk like a ripe fruit. He still looked clean and unruffled, considering, so I stopped to looked up to find how far he had fallen. Above him was a street where there was perched an identical baby bird, only still alive, watching me discover the difference between him and his brother. I never much went in for the cheesiness of old movies, but the sudden sadness I felt as I watched the little guy chirp pulled my hand to my mouth like a 1940's ingenue.

A shiny man in a suit whipped onto my sidewalk. As he hurried by, he assessed the dead bird situation with a glance, and then pushed past me with disgust.

So I started watching him instead, because now he was the most awful thing on the street.


Ant said...

I remember a slightly similar story with me when i was younger dealing with dead animals. There was a cat in the street with it's lower half busted open from a car but it was still alive up top.... O_O You would think I would be freaked out and run but i rubbed it's head and used my fake shovel to put it on the side walk. I just keep petting it till it died, funny how I'm creeped out now thinking about it but I was fine then. Imagine if i gave it milk, it probably would have can right back out! O_O Ewwwwwwwwwww XD. Btw I ran into a lot of those suite people when I was working Downtown BK, they all think they're the shit lol. That totally would have been my in to talk to you if I was him, "How bout dem dead birds, that's totally sad anit it?" OK maybe not.....

BrianAlt said...

Agreed. I mean, what idiot would wear a grey silk suit?

Ant said...

You would be surprised at what people in the business areas wear.... For example the guy that briefs everyone doing jury duty likes to wear a purple suit with a pinkish shirt under it. I thought it was just a special day or something but since i worked across the street from the court and bumped into him almost everyday, I noticed it was his favorite lol.

Paul said...

Weird, I JUST wrote something about seeing dead birds on the sidewalk. I've come across three now in the last few weeks. All full grown, though. Still, must be dead bird season.